Ko tēnei tētahi pakiwaitara e tino aroha nuitia ana, ā, ināianei, kua tuhia The Very Hungry Caterpillar ki te reo Māori. Nā te noho tahi o ngā pikitia kānapanapa, me ngā kupu māmā noa, kua oti mai tēnei pakiwaitara e hokia ana, e hokia ana. Koia tēnei, tētahi pukapuka ka tino ngākaunuitia e ngā tamariki katoa e ako ana i te reo Māori.
With the same beautiful illustrations and dye cut pages as the original book, the te reo Maori translation retains the humour and quirky character of the little caterpillar and simplicity of the story.
This book is a great way to learn first words in te reo Māori in a story format that teaches the days of the week, numbers and counting and names of some foods.
Eric Carle, The translation is by Brian Morris.
H: 295mm W: 210mm
Weight: 160 grams