Matariki: Te Whetū Tapu o te Tau

Matariki: Te Whetū Tapu o te Tau

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This is the Te reo Māori edition of Matariki; The Star of the year

I te wā o te hōtoke, ka ara ake a Matariki i te ata hāpara, kia kitea e te karu tangata. Ka takina ōna karakia ki runga pae maunga, ka whakanuia ki ōna whakakitenga, ki ōna taiopenga, ki āna mahi ā-iwi, ā-hapori, whakangahau hoki.  Tēnei rā te kapo atu i te kaupapa nei me ōna tū āhuatanga katoa kua rangahautia, kua whakarauoratia ake roto i ngā tuhinga o tēnei pukapuka.

He aha hoki a Matariki?

He aha tōna pānga ki te iwi Māori?

I pēhea te whakanui a te Māori o mua i te āhuatanga o Matariki?

Āhea, me pēhea hoki te whakanui i a Matariki?

Ākene mā ngā kōrero o tēnei pukapuka e whakamarama ake ēnei pātai. He whakawhānui hoki i te tirohanga ki tēnei mea o te tātai arorangi a te Māori.


In mid-winter, Matariki rises in the pre-dawn sky, and its observation is celebrated with incantations on hilltops at dawn, balls, exhibitions, dinners and a vast number of events. The Matariki tradition has been re-established, and its regeneration coincides with a growing interest in Māori astronomy. Still, there remain some unanswered questions about how Matariki was traditionally observed.

History and Archaeology, Society and Social Sciences


Rangi Matamua

128 pages

H: 229mm W: 152mm