Jan (school Librarian) reviewed Aug 21
This is absolutely my new favourite book to recommend to children!
During a beach clean-up, Charlie and his brother Robbie find a mysterious creature from the sea, called a mermaid, or a ponaturi. She seems to trust Charlie and even more strangely, he can understand her speaking when no-one else can. Following the discovery of the ponaturi, Charlie and his family and the other residents in Tologa Bay get caught in the middle of a savage fight between the ancient Māori gods Tane and Tangaroa; flaring up because of changes happening in the Bay that will disturb the natural environment.
This was an action-packed book with an authentic New Zealand feel to it which engrossed me from start to finish. I enjoyed the Te reo Māori and Te Ao Māori effortlessly woven into the story. Having a Koro intent on passing on his knowledge to Charlie, as well as an American girl (Jenny) as characters was a clever way for the author to explain the characteristics and legends that connect to the ancient Māori gods. It was like nothing I’ve ever read before - I’m hoping for a sequel!
From a National Library Blog about reading aloud "Charlie and his brother discover a ponaturi (mermaid) on the beach and get involved in a stormy battle between the Māori gods Tane and Tangaroa over pollution in the ocean and discover Charlie’s special skills in the process. Full of action, emotion, stories of mythology and family. Reading age 9 to 12 years."
Click here to visit natlib.govt.nz/blog/posts/read-alouds-for-juniors-and-seniors
SUPREME WINNER, The Margaret Mahy Book of the Year, New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adult, 2021
WINNER, Wright Family Foundation Esther Glen Junior Fiction Award, New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adult, 2021.
On a beach clean-up, thirteen-year-old one-legged Charlie and his half-brother, Robbie, find a ponaturi - a mermaid - washed up on a beach. An ancient grudge between the Maori gods Tane and Tangaroa has flared up because a port being built in the bay is degrading the ocean and creatures are fleeing the sea. This has reignited anger between the gods, which breaks out in storms, earthquakes and huge seas. The human world and realm of the gods are thrown into chaos. The ponaturi believes Charlie is the only one who can stop the destruction because his stump is a sign that he straddles both worlds. So begins Charlie's journey to find a way to reunite the gods, realise the power in the ancient songs his grandfather taught him, and discover why he was the one for the task.
NZ Children Books Awards website wrote
"Charlie Tangaroa is not defined by his disability, he is not defined by his place in the world, he defines himself through his family. This is a book that has so many themes that resonate in today’s culture. Disability, whanaungatanga, Charlie’s whakapapa, the environment – all are all dealt with a sure hand, and a gentle heart. Charlie’s fractured family is reflected in the warring brothers, and we are taken along at pace, with assured handling, and although so many issues are raised, they are never shoved in the reader’s face – rather they are presented as they are, as just another step in Charlie’s journey.
This is a uniquely New Zealand story, and one in which so many of us can see ourselves."
The Māori language edition is Tiare Tangaroa me te Taipō Moana.
T K Roxborogh
224 pages
H: 138mm W: 210mm