He Mahi Taunga Kore

He Mahi Taunga Kore

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This is the Māori language edition of Nothing is Impossible.

He pō tino wehi taua pō, i whara taku māmā i tētahi noa atu, ka haria ki te hōhipera.  Ka haere au ki te kāinga o tōku nēni me tōku koro, me te haumaru o tāku noho ki reira.  Heoi, he wā roa tonu kātahi anō ka pai mai a Māmā.

I a ia ka ngaro nei ki te hōhipera, ka whāki mai a Nēni me Koro mō āna mahi katoa.  He wahine tautoko, āwhina i te tangata.  He wahine māia hoki.  Nāna au i mōhio, kāore tonu he mahi taunga kore.

He wāhanga tēnei pūrākau o te kohinga e pā ana ki te aroha me te poipoi i te manawaroa o te hunga tamariki kua pākia ki ngā momo tūkinotanga.  Ko te whāinga he āwhina i ngā mātua me ngā tamariki ki te whakawhiti kōrero mō ēnei āhuatanga, ka tautoko ake i a rātou me tō rātou oranga wairua, oranga tinana, oranga hinengaro, oranga whānau hoki.

Rangi’s life changes one night when he tries to protect his mum from being beaten by her boyfriend. But she is badly injured and taken to hospital. Rangi goes to live with Nan and Koro, and during this time, he gets a homework project he thinks is impossible – about his mum and her work. He thinks he can’t do it because his mum doesn’t work. But Nan and Koro know differently and get out photographs, articles and trophies to show Rangi her achievements and abilities as an activist, volunteer, fundraiser and sports champion. When Rangi shows these to his mum and they talk about the stories, she is reminded about her capabilities and self-worth. Rangi is inspired, works hard on the project, and his presentation is a success.


Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Isobel Joy Te Aho-White

36 pages

H: 180mm W: 200mm