Palm Pals Sonora Barrel Cactus

Palm Pals Sonora Barrel Cactus

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Get to know Sonora Barrel Cactus™!

My Personality: Hardy

Party Theme: Whimsical | My ID Number: 1-417

Talk about tenacity, Sonora has mastered the art of surviving in the harsh heat of the desert! But even though she needs to have a hardy exterior doesn't mean she can't have a soft spot for cuddles...just watch out for her prickles!

Sonora Barrel Cactus is delightfully plush with a vibrant green body dotted with yellow felt prickles. Her round shape and sweet smile make her an adorable contradiction to her hardy nature.

Basking in the sun's warm glow on the desert sands is my idea of a perfect day. But don't let my tough exterior fool you; I'm all about those tender, snugly moments when it cools down!

Best Pal:

Jetty Saltwater Taffy: Sonora finds a perfect sprinkle of sugar in her life with Jetty, whose sticky-sweet charm melts even the toughest exteriors. Jetty's soft and squishy body makes her one of the few Pals who can give Sonora a big hug and not be badly poked by her important, protective cactus needles!

How I was made:

  • I am about 4" x 4" x 3.5" in size.
  • I am made from high-quality materials for a soft, fluffy touch.
  • I fit in the palm of your hand!
  • Own the whole #palmpalsparty collection!
  • I hold bean pellets suitable for all ages to ensure my quality and stability.

Explore the resilience of the desert with Sonora Barrel Cactus from the Palm Pals Collection!