A Māori-English edition of the classic, award-winning story about a boy who makes friends with a taniwha, by one of Aotearoa's foremost artists.
Kua whakahoa atu tētahi tama ki te taniwha kei tōna awa. Kāore ngā tāngata i te whakapono he taniwha. Heoi anō, ko rāua tēnā ka hāereere ki te kohi i ētahi taonga o te ao tūroa.
A little boy has made friends with the taniwha in his river but no one believes him. The taniwha takes the boy on a journey through time and myth to gather the earth's treasures.
Written by Robyn Kahukiwa
Ko te huri ki te reo Māori na Keri Kaa
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32