Over the protests of his kids, Dad cuts down a tree to get 'a better view' - only for a chorus of birds and insects to put it back together overnight.
The battle of wills between the blade and nature goes on until Dad finally sees the light and comes to love the tree.
Told in Māori and English, this lovingly illustrated story resets the beloved myth of Rata and the Tree in a modern setting, encouraging readers to consider traditions, tikanga and respect for nature.
'Ka hinga i a au te rākau nei", te kōrro a Pāpā.
"kia pai ake tā tātou tirohanga..."
Kua whakahouhia e Tim Tipene te pūrākau mō Rata me te Rākau i tēnei āpitihanga ki tana huinga pukapuka Māui - Te Kaihao i te Rā, me Ko Rona Māhina.
The Ever-standing Tree/Te Rakau Tu Tonu follows on from Tim Tipene's successful picture books Maui - Sun Catcher/Te Kaihao i te Ra andRona Moon/Ko Rona Mahina, both Storylines Notable Book Award winners.
Author Biography:
Tim Tipene (Ngati Kuri, Te Uri-o-Hau, Ngati Whatua) is a pioneering youth counsellor and an award-winning author of children's books, including Kura Toa Warrior School and Rona Moon. Tim lives in Ranui, West Auckland.
Ani Huia Ligaliga (Ngati Kahungunu, Ngai Tamanuhiri, Ngati Rongomaiwahine) is an artist and illustrator. She studied art at Brigham Young University, Hawaii. Ani lives in Hamilton.
Kanapu Rangitauira (Te Arawa, Ngati Porou, Te Whakatohea) is a registered translator and teacher of te reo. He lives in Rotoiti, Rotorua.