You Are Loved

You Are Loved

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Families come in many different shapes and forms -- but they all teach you how to be strong and show you how loved you are. Alongside a sweet and simple narrative, the warm illustrations tell their own story. Beginning with Sofia Sanchez's adopted family, readers will meet families with two mums and two dads, families with single parents and kids raised by grandparents, guardians or older siblings. Big families, small families, extended families, blended families and mixed race families -- including parents with their own differences that make them unique, too.

This heart-warming companion book to 2021's You Are Enough highlights the important message that families aren't just the people you live with. They include the people in your school, your community and the people you choose who love you and empower you just the way you are.



Sofia Sanchez, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Cardoso

40 pages

H: 236mm W: 226mm Spine: 14mm

Weight: 360 grams